- Listen to music you love
- Watch a favorite funny show/movie
- Plan something to look forward to
- learn a new skill
- dance your <3 out
- light scented candles
- throw comfortable clothes/pjs in dryer for some coziness
- take a nice Hot shower or bubble bath
- journal
- curl up and nap
- eat healthy foods (fresh fruits)
- Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! (water, green tea)
- get rid of three things you don’t use
- pick or buy yourself some flowers
- read or reread a good book
- cuddle or play with animals
- do something creative
- ask for help when you need it
- meditate, pray, practice deep breathing
- say no more
- watch a sunrise/sunset
- stop the negative thinking
- unplug from phones and technology for awhile
- go to bed early
- Be 100% present in each moment practice mindfulness
I encourage you to write a list, a book even of self-cares for yourself. I’ve started one and find it much easier when I can pick from a list, I guess I visually see what I need when I read it. Like those Aha moments 😉 Feel free to share yours I can never have to long of a list!
P.S. I am so in love with this image, just melts my heart! It is everything I imagined it to be in my head:)
thoughtful, mindful, & from the heart. love love love. ?